(Temporary) Protection 2.0


(Temporary) Protection 2.0: Re-Imagining the Situation of Third-Country Nationals and Individuals without (clarified) Citizenship from Ukraine

We are excited to invite individuals, organizations, and other stakeholders to participate in a symposium that aims to highlight achievements as well as shed light on the challenges and needs for temporary protection, while focusing on potential residency options for third-country nationals from Ukraine and individuals without clarified citizenship. This symposium is a collaborative effort, welcoming contributions from diverse voices, including third-country nationals from Ukraine, civil society actors, public administrators, and policymakers.

Symposium Overview:

- Date: 9–11.12.2023

- Location: Volkshochschule Berlin Mitte, Linienstr. 162, 10115 Berlin

- Workshops, Discussions, Open Space and more.

Symposium Objectives:

1. Evaluate the current situation, identify needs, challenges, and opportunities.

2. Foster dialogue between third-country nationals, individuals without (clarified) citizenship, initiatives, educational stakeholders, policymakers, administrators, and media professionals.

3. Develop proposals and recommendations, strategize advocacy efforts, and enhance public outreach to achieve common and specific goals.

Who Should Participate:

- Third-country nationals from Ukraine

- Civil society organizations and actors

- Public administrators

- Policymakers

- Supportive individuals and organizations

- Businesses

- Individuals directly affected

Join us in this crucial symposium to collaborate, share knowledge, and work towards a better future for third-country nationals and individuals without clarified citizenship from Ukraine.

For inquiries, please contact symposium@cusbu.de.

Together, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all.


Program *an English language Event

(Temporary) Protection 2.0: Re-Imagining the Situation of Third-Country Nationals and Individuals without (clarified) Citizenship from Ukraine

Saturday, 09 December 2023

Open Space: “…too international for legal protection?

According to the open space method developed for large groups, all participants can propose topics, to which different work groups will then be formed under the experienced guidance of Yaari Pannwitz. Therefore, the entire agenda will be drawn up in “real-time” based on the interests of those involved. There is no prescribed program, no panel discussion, no transparencies or long periods of sitting still.

10:30 Sign-In: Meet and Greet

10:45 Welcome & Open Space Introduction

12:00 Session 1

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Session 2

15:00 Session 3

16:00 Session 4

17:00 Evening Circle

17:15 End

Sunday, 10 December 2023

Action Planning: …too international for legal protection?

10:30 Sign-In: Meet and Greet

10:45 Morning Circle

11:00 Reading / Augmenting

11:30 Outlook / Reflection

12:00 Action-Planning

13: 15 Closing Circle

13:30 Lunch

14:30 Creative Workshops

15:30 Film Screening: Voices of Survival & Summer '23 

 Panel Discussion with Noir United International and BIPoC Ukraine & Friends in Germany *LIVESTREAM

17:00 End

Monday, 11 December 2023

Discussion: (Temporary) Protection 2.0: Re-Imagining the Situation of Third-Country Nationals and Individuals without (clarified) Citizenship from Ukraine *LIVESTREAM

10:30 Registration: Meet and Greet

11:00 Intro: …Too International for Legal Protection?

11:30 Impulse Speeches
  Fishbowl: Topics from Open Space

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Discussion Forums

15:45 Plenum & Closing

16:30 End